Spring is a time for rebirth, growth, and fresh starts. It’s also my favourite season. I love the way it smells, the sounds of life around me, and watching the world burst into colour.

I have created 7 journaling ideas that are based on the season of Spring. I invite you to curl up with a notebook and a beverage of your choice. If you can, I highly recommend writing while sitting on a patio, picnic table or on a blanket in the grass.

Remember that whatever you write is for your eyes only. Do not worry about spelling or grammar. It’s the essence of your story that matters. It’s the practice of putting it down on paper.

1. Write a list of words that remind you of Spring. Circle any words that resonate with something that is occurring in your life right now. Choose any circled word and free write about that area of your life.

2. Write a letter about the unfolding of Spring. Use all of your senses. What do you see, hear, feel, taste and see? Tuck the letter away to be read on a cold, dark day of winter.

3. What area of your life could use some Spring cleaning? Are there any ideas or habits that you can shed this season?

4. Imagine yourself as flower, bumblebee, butterfly or earthworm. Write your story.

5. Write an acrostic poem using the letters that spell Spring.

6. In what areas of your life are you planting seeds? What do you hope they will grow into?

7. Many things start to grow and come out of hibernation in Spring. Write a list of things that emerge in Spring or in your life.

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Erica Richmond

 Erica Richmond, the founder of Open Sky Stories believes that words have the power to provide connection & healing. She lives in Peterborough, Canada with her two teens where they find adventures in everyday life. Erica has published two books: Pixie and the Bees and The Mail Art Stories Project: Mail Art in the Time of Covid-19. Follow Erica on Instagram for daily writing inspiration and real-life stories.