Connected Stories Project



I have an idea. Let’s create something together. A story that connects our voices. One line at a time.

Here’s how it works

Send me one original sentence. I will gather all of your words and weave them together, creating a story that is about all of us. Each story will have a different theme and eventually there will be a collection of community stories. The end result will be true community connection.

Each story will be published and anyone who contributed will be recognized as a contributing author. As a contributor, you’ll be first to know when it’s finished and you’ll receive the opportunity to purchase the book at a discounted rate.

The ground rules:

  • no swears or adult content (hey, I like swears too but I’d like to keep this open for kids to participate)
  • no hate speech
  • follow the theme in whatever that means to you – it’s best if you don’t use the theme word but instead capture its essence
  • include your name as you’d like to be recognized (first name or anonymous is totally fine)
  • include the City and Country where you currently reside – there will be a map to demonstrate how far we’ve connected
  • include an email address so that I can let you know when the book is ready.


The Connected Stories Project: Beauty is in the writing phase. Thanks to the over 100 contributors from 11 different countries!

*note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the publishing date has been extended and we are hoping to have the book ready to purchase by spring 2023

Contribute to The Connected Stories Project

Are you ready to submit your sentence? What does grief mean to you? How does it feel? What does it look or sound like? Write one sentence in the space below and your voice will join others from around the world in our collective story about grief.

13 + 9 =